Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dark Sector: Xbox 360 Demo Review

Let me start off by saying....what a waste of potential. After reading dozens of articles on how this was the first next-gen game created and how it was being crowned as the next-gen king, I was extremely stoked about playing this game. Too bad.

As Hayden Tenno, a cliched blade wielding hero with a bad haircut and in uber physical shape, you will use various tools of destruction to dismember and disembowel your enemies. His right arm is some sort of bionic slingshot that hurls his glaive (i.e. super bad-ass ninja star) while his left hand holds his pistol. You will occasionally be able to pick up slaughtered enemies' weapons for added firepower however for some stupid reason you can only carry them for a short period of time.... LAME!!

The demo places you in some sort of semi-evacuated USSR type military encampment. You will quickly learn to use either your pistol or your glaive as the first set of hellions attack you almost instantly. You will eradicate them without any trouble. As you progress you realize just how much potential this game had. The character graphics are nice to look at for the most part with sharp edges and defined textures. That much cannot be said about the maps however. The maps appear to be dark, dull, and lifeless. I am not a big fan of games that use mostly dark greens and muted greys to emphasize darkness.

The controls are not very user-friendly either. After playing games like Gears of War you would expect game developers to realize just how important controls are to any action game. Hayden feels very stiff when he moves, there is no sprint button, and the cover system has a been there done that better somewhere else feel.

I couldn't tell you much about the story as the demo doesn't take you that deep. Only that you are an experiment and you must defeat somebody to keep something from happening. Nice.

Anyway, overall this was a let down. I really couldn't offer you much reason to buy this game at full price other than I read something about Hayden being able to upgrade his glaive with powers such as flames and lightening; invisibility, and maybe a decent story-line.

Overall, Dark Sector the Demo earns: 6 rusty glaives out of 10.

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