Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shark Week

This column is not game related, but still quite humorous.

This week is Discovery Channel's famous "Shark Week." We are graced with hours upon hours of footage that display the fearsome predators in all of their might. It has always reminded me that Labor Day is right around the corner and summer is fast coming to a close.

Discovery Channel has recently used "Shark Week" as a mechanism to educate people regarding sharks. Specifically, they are teaching us that sharks aren't that bad and are not out to get us. They teach us that sharks mistake us for seals. Survivorman Les Stroud, an obvious experts on sharks, told me last year that I have nothing to fear when it comes to sharks.

Tonight, I watched three hours of sharks tearing the ever living crap out of people in the must vicious of ways. I watched a dramatization of a woman getting her leg bit off, some poor sap having his arteries severed while protecting a fish he just caught, and an idiot standing in a pool of sharks get bit. Discovery sure does one hell of a sell job on sharks being harmless.

Time to get my harpoon gun.

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