Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight: Review

Anyone who has watched TV or been on the Internet in the last 6 months has been bombarded with images of the new Batman movie; and for good reason.. this movie is actually GREAT!! It's dark overtone tragically connects the film on a more personal level to one of it's lead stars (Ledger). Who gives THE performance of his short career. Make no mistake about it, this movie may be called The Dark Knight but this was The Joker's show all the way.

I was a bit skeptical at first about how good Ledger would actually be. I mean anyone in their right mind knows that Jack Nicholson was the best Joker right??? Not anymore. Ledger conveys the fiend in a way that makes you almost understand the reason for The Joker's insanity. He conveys the image of a completely detached and deeply psychotic man who for some reason feels completely in control and remarkably sensible, preferring the thrill of the confrontation over the financial benefits that may result. To quote Alfred in reference to the Joker, "Some men just want to see the world burn." Returning for his second appearance, Christian Bale again plays the Batman and gives a solid and functional performance.

This movie is jam packed with action and slick and humorous dialogue. The villains are well thought out and the story leads me to believe that the next film will follow the rise of Two-Face. (see the pic for the only reason a person should need to quit smoking). For the sake of not spoiling the movie let's just say there are a few doors that will close and a few that will open for the next installment.

Movie goers do yourself a favor and SEE THIS MOVIE!!! You won't be disappointed.
The Dark Knight earns 9.0 straight jackets out of 10.

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