Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots

Well, well, well, good ole' Snake is up to his old tricks again..sneaky bastard. The forth and final installment in the Metal Gear franchise pits Snake, now Old Snake, against an impressive cast of characters. From the moment the opening credits began rolling, I knew I was in for something special. After hearing rumors of a 90 min. intro I was very curious to see what was in store. Turns out that the intro wasn't 90 minutes but it was very entertaining. I was extremely impressed.

The transition between cut-scenes and live action was seamless and there was virtually no change in the graphics. And speaking of graphics, the game is a beauty to look at. Though I was initially apprehensive about the sandy brown and stone setting of the Middle East my perspective quickly changed mostly due to the use of my stealth suit's ability to blend in with the textured environments.

The action is intense and the strategy encompasses elements of both stealth and all out action. Fans of the MG series will be delighted at the new control scheme.

The sound is amazing. You will be delivered into surround sound bliss as you listen to enemies' conversations and wonderful sound effects scattered about.

The story is what you would expect from MG..complex and full of conspiracies. I understand that all of the questions left unanswered from previous MG games will be answered. I hope so. I'm dying to know what the hell the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo is...???

Overall, this game ROCKS!!! A must buy for any PS3 owner. Full of action, stealth, awe-inspiring moments, and plenty of secrets you'd be crazy to miss this.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots earns 9.5 conspiracy theories out of 10

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