Tuesday, April 29, 2008

COD 4...I can't let you go.

Every time I try to move on to another F.P.S.....I realize why I still play you. You are the standard by which all other F.P.S.'s are judged. You're like that Korean girl who.....never mind that analogy. I happily throw money toward your new maps, and enjoy killing people in new places.

I was a big Halo fan before you came my way, and once I had you I realized how much I hated shields and bad melee systems....and 10 year olds who won't shut up and keep saying "can you hear me? Or just make noises like an elephant being shot and having an orgasm at the same time.

Other games like you:

When you get to an age that half assed things are no longer acceptible and your parents are not the ones's paying for your gaming habit, it's good to have something that's going to last.

So I'll continue to run at people with a grenade cooking in my hand, and cussing at snipers who always seem to have too much paitence for this ADD generation. This has been my lovers confession to you COD 4. I'll never leave you.

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