Around this time last year, a game was released that had a lot of hype behind it. They called it an Oblivion slayer. They bragged about playing online with your friends. Needless to say, I was excited. Then the big day came, I rented a copy (good move) and jumped into a big pile of shit.
What was this I was playing? It certainly was not the amazing game I had been hearing about. This looked like a PC game made by some fledling game developer in 2001. It's hard to single out what the worst thing is in this game (so many options). I would have to go with the olde English voice acting if I had to, this was like Resident Evil bad.
The combat is lousy, the leveling system is a broken version of better made games, but the voice acting is the cherry on this brown steamer. If I hear "well met" or "aiye" one more time in my life it will be to soon.
(shut your damn pie holes)
I remember getting one of my friends online and waiting for the game to load....and load, and load. Finally, we got on, ran up to each other, and then the game would freeze, time and time again it would freeze. I had played online many times with this guy and we have never had problems with connections before. The bottom line with online play is it didn't work. This game looked and felt like it was half finished when It was released.
The only thing that was done well in this game was the weapon/armor/magic stacking. If you have two or more like kind items, just smoosh them together into a more powerful item. Smash two fords together and get a lexus, right?
(Now you're pimp)
I did go all the way through this game, so I feel I have earned a bage of honor (like getting shot or stabbed). If you see this sitting on a shelf with a tempting severly reduced yourself a favor and buy yourself 20 dollars worth of crack instead, it will benefit you more then this game will.