Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Your local county library...finally something to offer?

I thought I was getting a good deal when I was paying $20.00 for two games from Gamefly. But what if I could get a game for free? $60.00 dollar games, and I can play them for free? How is this possible you may ask? Simple, check your local library.

Many libraries now carry video games that you can rent for jack (which is nothing for you people who are jive illiterate). My local library gives me a game for 3 weeks, then I can renew it online for an additional amount of time. Selection are usually good, and you can request a game for 1 dollar (at least that's how it works at my library).

The other great thing about visiting the library is there are usually hot girls there doing whatever it is hot girls do at the get a free game, play around with some girls, and enjoy yourself.

With all of these great new titles coming out, even the richest bastards are feeling the burn picking up all these great titles. So, whether you're a french fry boiler, or you snort coke off of super models, free games makes everyone happy.

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