Tuesday, April 29, 2008

COD 4...I can't let you go.

Every time I try to move on to another F.P.S.....I realize why I still play you. You are the standard by which all other F.P.S.'s are judged. You're like that Korean girl who.....never mind that analogy. I happily throw money toward your new maps, and enjoy killing people in new places.

I was a big Halo fan before you came my way, and once I had you I realized how much I hated shields and bad melee systems....and 10 year olds who won't shut up and keep saying "can you hear me? Or just make noises like an elephant being shot and having an orgasm at the same time.

Other games like you:

When you get to an age that half assed things are no longer acceptible and your parents are not the ones's paying for your gaming habit, it's good to have something that's going to last.

So I'll continue to run at people with a grenade cooking in my hand, and cussing at snipers who always seem to have too much paitence for this ADD generation. This has been my lovers confession to you COD 4. I'll never leave you.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Games of Yore - Sid Meier's PIRATES!

Ah yes, Pirates! How could one be a user of a Commodore 64 without coming across this dandy of a game? A game were one takes the role of Captain Sitonmeass to traverse the Caribbean and the occasional bout of malaria in hopes of fame (or infamy), fortune and the Governor’s daughter. Sid Meier’s Pirates! is truly a classic.

Many a days I would get home from middle school looking forward to booting up this classic only to find out that I had misplaced my damned Sid Meier’s Pirates! game manual. This would inevitably lead to me breaking down in tears as I tried to remember what year the damned Silver Train came to town. (This obscure reference is to the nifty copy protection scheme that many computer gaming companies used in the late 80’s early 90’s)

This game won many awards. Of course, this was 1987. Gaming awards in 1987 kind of hold the same distinction as the Playstation 3 release lineup.

As I mentioned, you begin the game as an alcoholic whose family was killed by some wild boars in the Black Forest of Germany. You then get to choose between being English, Spanish, Dutch or the French. After you decide which slave trading country you represent, you set out on your inevitable journey to mutinous crews, Captain Mendoza, Admiral Mendoza, and Marquis Mendoza.

Sid Meier’s Pirates! offers a variety of game playing options. You can choose to represent your imperialistic country by raiding other country’s towns and ships. Or, you can just crap on everybody’s parade by becoming a Pirate! and raid every poor schmuck who game across your grabass playing crew. My favorite part was oppressing those poor saps, the Dutch, and their special trading ships.

Fencing was a fun part of the game; sea battles, not so much.

Like many Sid Meier’s games, Pirates! was educational. It offered the player a chance to learn about the different ships of the time, the Caribbean ports, and how to be a player. Yes, as part of the Pirate! lifestyle, you could woo the many different Governor’s daughters by dancing your way into the sack.

Sid Meier’s Pirates! was a helluva game. If you get a chance to check out the updated version for the XBOX, I would encourage it.

JC Braz’s Score: 8 out of 10


You will soon see game reviews on this here blog. There is a bit of a caveat. Team LXG is in their late 20’s to early 30’s. We all grew up with video games as one of our favorite hobbies. You could call us the Nintendo generation.

The reviews you will read are humorous, sarcastic, and brutally honest. Just because we see a game with the name Mario attached to it, doesn’t mean we will give it an automatic 10. We do not believe in that BS.

We all have our own review style. Please feel free to leave your hate comments.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Action Gamer (LXG) - The Beginning

Well now, thanks for stopping by Last Action Gamer's somewhat official blog and soapbox. I realize there are questions to answer. So, here goes nothing.

What is Last Action Gamer?

We are a gaming apparel company. I want to emphasis the word apparel. Yes, our line is limited, but we have plans already in motion for a full line of clothing for gamers.

Why is that shirt to the left so cool looking?

It just is.

Why Last Action Gamer?

Why not? It is long overdue. With the evolution of gaming, we feel it is time for a uniting brand for all gamers. To revisit your SAT questions, Nike is to sports as Last Action Gamer is to gaming. Our clothing will help gamers identify with other gamers.

What about the other gaming clothing companies?

We fully support those companies. However, they fill a niche market with quirky shirts with funny little sayings. Our approach is different. Think mainstream. Will it work? Only time will tell.

Plus, we are going to have attractive women model our clothes. You support our cause, and we might just have a bikini special.

Who is behind Last Action Gamer?

Gamers past their prime and gremlins.

What will this blog be used for?

1. Promoting the brand
2. Writing unbiased game reviews
3. Providing a forum for people to hate on us
4. Responding to those people who hate on us

That's it for now kids. Hopefully, we start getting some hits and those nasty comments we are looking for.