Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gears of War 2...Thank You God!

When I have a free moment in my life, one of the first things that pops in my head is...I have x amount of time for some Gears.
I loved the original, and when I went through Gears 2, I was blown away by the innovative steps made to make this an awesome, fresh experience.

Where to about new weapons. The flamethrower still makes me think I smell burning flesh when I scorch a grub hole. The lancer seems more raw and powerful then before. The blessed sniper rifle was perfect, and seems just the way I remember it....there's nothing like watching that grub head pop. The new Locust weopons add some new flare to the game as well. If there's any game that really captures the brutal experience of mass destruction, it's this.

New fierce enemies have been introduced into the game. Boomers now have Shredders to help cut you apart. Tickers scurry across the battlefield like little bomb packed roaches...and what a wonderful sound they make. The Reavers are stronger and get right in your face. They, like those damn Blood mounts, work right over your cover and will bust your ass if you don't move.

The addition of all the new enemies adds a great new level of diversity to the game.
Co-Op in story mode has been a big part of this game, and now it's been upgraded by introducing the Horde Mode.

Five buddies can deal with wave after wave of increasingly difficult enemies. Multi player can take your time once the story mode has been played to it's fullest.
With all the great titles out right now, Gears still stands at the top in my opinion.

It has everything a great title should. Great controls, brutal fighting, smart A.I. and a well developed story.

Gears of war 2 easily deserves the highest scores and praise!